
Renata Lichnovská - piano


Renata Lichnovská (Ardaševová) has made a number of CD, radio and TV recordings, cooperates with leading Czech and foreign musicians, participates in prestigious projects, e.g. Concentus Moraviae and Czech Dreams (České sny). Reviews emphasize her inner energy and the emotive form of her music, the quality of the sound and sense for form and building-up of interpreted compositions.

After graduating from the Conservatoire in Ostrava, where she studied piano with Professor Marta Toaderová and composition with Professor Milan Báchorka, she continued at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts with Professor Marta Toaderová and Professor Inessa Janíčková. She gained rich experience at a number of international courses led by well-known teachers (Professor Rudolf Kehrer, Professor Vera Gornostaeva and Professor Lev Naumov). At the same time she started her concert career both as a solo and a chamber music pianist. She also presented her own compositions and improvisations and between 1984 and 1994 she was awarded prizes in both national and international competitions.

When she finished her studies she became a sought-after solo and chamber music performer giving concerts in Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Switzerland, Turkey, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania and other countries. Her cooperation with husband Igor Ardašev is also very successful. They formed a duo called Duo Ardašev and began successful concert career playing compositions for four hands or on two pianos. They were offered the chance to record a complete works for four hands by Antonín Dvořák by Supraphon. Apart from Dvořák´s Slavic Dances, Legends and From Šumava cycle, they also recorded My Country by Bedřich Smetana arranged for four hands for the same company.

Renata Lichnovská has also made a number of radio and CD recordings with leading Czech musicians, e.g. violinist Ivana Tomášková. Highlights of her recent work include a recital for four hands for Spolek přátel Pražského jara (The Friends of the Prague Spring Club), a concerto for two pianos and orchestra by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Rudolfinum Concert Hall in Prague with the Prague Philharmonia conducted by Caspar Zehnder, a concert tour with the violinist Ivana Tomášková, recitals for four hands in Valencia, Spain, a tour with Orchestre national des Pays de la Loire in France, participation in the International Music Festival in Ochryd, Macedonia, a recital in Wiesbaden (Germany), participation in the Czech Dreams Festival, recital for four hands on the Greek Island of Paxos, and concerts in Gers (France), Sibiu (Rumania), Kaunas (Lithuania), and Modra and Galanta (Slovakia).

In addition to her rich concert activities Renata Lichnovská also teaches at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno.